How It Works?
Sign Up Free and easy sign-up.
Create Your Organization /App Create your Apps by selecting APIs to get API Keys and invite team members to your organization.
Demonstrate Your App with APIs Test your Apps with mock data in “Sandbox”.
Get Full API Access Send request to switch from “Sandbox” to “Production”.
Accounts Get information about bank accounts.
Accounts Get information about bank accounts.
Confirmation of Funds Creates a confirmation of funds request at the ASPSP.
Confirmation of Funds Creates a confirmation of funds request at the ASPSP.
Consents Creates a consent request at the ASPSP and gets information about account consents
Constents Creates a consent request at the ASPSP and gets information about account consents
Payments Creates a payment initiation request at the ASPSP and gets information about payments
Payments Creates a payment initiation request at the ASPSP and gets information about payments
See all APIs
Garanti BBVA Partners Discover
Garanti BBVA Discover